on demand workshop series

Feature Film Producer's Playbook

Discover the Secrets to Producing Your Feature Film in As Litte as One Year!

Producer's Premiere Pass --- $50 (FULL PRICE $149)

Ever dreamt of bringing your cinematic movie idea to life? Now's your chance! With the Feature Film Producer's Playbook, you're not just learning the ropes; you're preparing to leap into the indie film scene with confidence.

Imagine navigating the complexities of film production, from initial concept to big screen debut, all within a year. Whether you're starting out or sharpening your skills, our playbook offers a comprehensive step-by-step guide. You'll gain insider knowledge from Anthony Epp, an award-winning producer with firsthand experience in creating films that captivate audiences worldwide.

This isn’t just another course; it’s a gateway to mastering film development, securing funding, and executing a flawless production. You’ll learn how to:

* Develop and fund captivating stories.
* Produce your film within budget.
* Distribute and market your masterpiece globally.
* With exclusive on-demand video modules, live workshops, and a vibrant private community, you’re set to transform your filmmaking dreams into reality.

Our next session is:

Raising Capital for Independent Films:

Navigating Traditional and Innovative Funding Paths

Live workshop via Zoom

April 23, 2024
6:00pm Pacific Time

Ready to start your filmmaking journey? Enroll now for just $50 — that's $99 off the full price! Plus, gain immediate access to session replays and secure your spot in our next live workshop. Don't miss this opportunity to turn your vision into a feature film that resonates with audiences across the globe.

Buckle up, and let's make a movie together.

Taught by Anthony Epp

Anthony isn't just any filmmaker. After a 6-year gig in British Columbia television, he leapt into the indie film world as an Assistant Director, Production Manager, and Producer, producing with budgets ranging from "shoestring" ($50,000) to "whoa, we've got some cash to play with" ($2,500,000). And guess what? He didn't just make films; he got them out there, across the globe.

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